Space Committee

The Space committee was established by the President in Fall 2021 to be a consultative and advisory body for both short term and long-range space allocation planning needs. the committee was charged with reviewing the annual space usage inventory, individual space requests, University-wide space plans, and plans for the use of new space to make recommendations to the President. 


The committee has recommended the establishment of space allocation principles and methodology for campus use as part of their responsibilities. The committee will meet as needed, but no less than once per semester to review space requests, plans, and new space for submitting recommendations to the President.

Committee table


Len CulloCommittee Chair
VP for Business Affairs & CFO
Corrin Le VasseurStaff Executive Director
Business Affairs Operations
Mohamed AbdelrahmanStaff
Provost & VP for Academic Affairs
Dr. Debra FeakesStaff
Office of the Provost & Dean for College of Arts & Sciences
Dr. Vijay GollaStaff
Vice Provost for Research & Graduate Studies
Jessica LoudermilkStaff
Chief of Staff
Associate VP for Strategic Initiatives
Tammy AdamsStaff
Associate VP, Registrar
Darnell SmithStaff
Director of Intercollegiate Athletics & Recreational Sports
Tim GrittenStaff
Executive Director of the Library
Dr. Daniel DelgadoFaculty
Psychology Associate Professor
Deane GumilaStudent
Student Government Association, President 
Doug Abraham
Dr. Zeak NaifehStaff
Associate VP & Dean of Students

-Space Management

- Space Allocation Principles

- Themes for Buildings as of 2022