A&M-SA Police Department


The Office of Emergency Management offers training on a multitude of topics.  Courses related to the C-CERT training regimen and safety seminars are offered monthly, while many other classes are offered as requested.   If you want any of our training classes taught specifically to your office or department, just contact us at and we will accommodate!

Below is a list of the available classes.  For a brief description, click on the class name.

This training is offered as in-person training and supplements the online training for campus security authorities. The session offers information on reporting all crimes, the responsibilities of campus security authorities, and CARE reporting for dangerous, disruptive and concerning behavior. Q&A discussion is offered in this session with a staff member who has completed advanced training on Federal Clery Act compliance.

Basic Emergency Management

This course describes the Office of Emergency Management services and mission. This includes emergency notification, integration with the University Police, and the services of the Office of Emergency Management. In addition, this course reviews the building coordinator program (C-CERT), introductory overview of the training regimen, expectations, equipment, and history of the program.

Emergency Response Operations

Emergency Response Operations reviews the basic emergency responses as outlined in the University’s Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). This includes evacuation, shelter-in-place, secure-in-place, and response expectations for the building coordinators (C-CERT) in each facility. This class can be tailored for individual departments and offices.

Campus Fire Safety

One in three persons will have an experience with fire during his or her lifetime. Are you sure you know what to do in case of fire? Do you know how to use a fire extinguisher? Do you know when not to use an extinguisher? This fast-paced program will help you make better choices in emergency situations at work and at home. You will also learn some basic tips to reduce the likelihood of a fire in your work area or home. Topics covered in this course include: Fire Science, Fire Suppression Systems, Fire Alarm Systems, Electrical Safety, Safe Storage Practices, Fire Extinguishers, and Emergency Preparedness.

Community Emergency Response Team

CERT is a nationwide training program supported by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. CERT training consists of 21-hours of training open to students, faculty, and staff as well as others from the surrounding community. CERT Training includes: Disaster Preparedness, CERT Organization, Disaster Medical Operations I, Disaster Medical Operations II, Fire Safety and Utility Controls, Light Search and Rescue Operations, Disaster Psychology, Terrorism and CERT, and a skills review.

Civilian Response to Active Shooting Event (CRASE)

An "active shooter" is an armed individual who has attacked with deadly force one or more persons, and who will continue to randomly seek out and kill as many people as possible. Active shooter situations can occur anywhere, even on a university campus. This class will help prepare people on response options during the critical first five minutes of an active shooter incident.

Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP)

Provide personnel with the background and template for building departmental continuity of operations plans. The COOP plan is designed to address the immediate aftermath, short-term and long-term with focus on continuing essential functions, which would become extremely important in the event of a catastrophic event that would disable their building for an extended time period. Participants will learn how to conduct a hazard analysis and identify and prioritize departmental essential functions, including vital records, systems and equipment.

Weather Safety and Response

Learn the difference between Severe Thunderstorm Warnings, Tornado Watches and Tornado Warnings. More importantly, learn what to look for, and then what to do if a storm is heading your way. Class attendees will also learn about lightning, straight line wind, winter weather and more.

Bomb Threat & Suspicious Package Response

What would you do if you received a bomb threat in your building or area? This course examines how to respond to a bomb threat and handle the many types of threats that may occur. You, too, would likely have a role in this process! This class discusses the types of threats, how and when to evacuate, as well as how to conduct searches for suspicious packages.

Personal Disaster Preparedness

This seminar outlines personal and community preparedness techniques that can be adopted and implemented to improve your personal preparedness for a disaster both at home and at work. Topics covered include potential hazards, creating a personal disaster "go bag", techniques to improve your personal awareness of potential disasters, and some basic response options.

Travel Abroad Safety & Security

Regardless of whether you are going on an exotic overseas vacation or planning a sabbatical into the far corners of the earth, you should be prepared BEFORE leaving the United States. Be informed about safety and security issues, crime, health, and travel tips. Learn what and who to avoid and common sense steps to make your travel enjoyable and safer.

Additional Training

A.W.A.R.E Training

AWARE is an acronym for Assessing your surroundings While remaining Aware and being Realistic about your Environment. This starts with personal awareness, being aware of other’s perception of you, as well as being aware of your surroundings.

Participants will learn basic self defense skills that can be used if they are targeted and/or attacked. Individuals will be able to constantly assess their surroundings while remaining aware and being realistic about your environment.

Civilian Self Defense OC Spray Program (SABRE)

SABRE Civilian Safety Awareness program is a national program designed to teach a safety mindset and prepare participants to escape a dangerous threat using “pepper spray.”

Safety Begins With You

This presentation is offers awareness and prevention information on home security, physical security, personal security, active shooter, Clery Act, Title IX, bystander intervention, sexual assault, stalking, and domestic and dating violence. This presentation is offered at least twice a year in the Fall and Spring semester.

Reporting Criminal Activity and Clery Act Compliance

This training is offered as in-person training and supplements the online training for campus security authorities. The session offers information on reporting all crimes, the responsibilities of campus security authorities, and CARE reporting for dangerous, disruptive and concerning behavior. Q&A discussion is offered in this session with a staff member who has completed advanced training on Federal Clery Act compliance.