Make a Gift

Make a Gift

Thank you for your interest and generosity in donating to Texas A&M University-San Antonio! By contributing to A&M-SA, you are increasing the educational value in San Antonio and enriching the future of our community.

Note: 2% of all gifts will support the Texas A&M San Antonio Foundation.  

Make a Gift by Check:

Please make checks payable to Texas A&M-San Antonio Foundation and send the donation to:

Texas A&M-San Antonio Foundation
University Advancement
One University Way
San Antonio, TX 78224 

Be sure to indicate your gift designation in the Memo line of your check.

Make a Gift with Employee Deduction

Other Ways to Give

For other ways to give or to obtain additional information about our various scholarships, endowments and programs, please contact (210) 784-1119.

NOTE: If the page does not redirect you to the donation form, please check that pop-ups are allowed on your browser.