Mays Center for Experiential Learning and Community Engagement

Employer Resources

Professional Organizations
The Mays Center belongs to the following professional organizations and encourages all employers to consider joining as well:

  • NACE - Established in 1956, the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) connects more than 5,200 college career services professionals at nearly 2,000 colleges, universities nationwide and more than 3,000 HR/staffing professionals focused on university relations and recruiting. NACE is the leading source of information on the employment of the college-educated, forecasting hiring and trends in the job market; tracking starting salaries, recruiting and hiring practices, and student attitudes and outcomes; and identifying best practices and benchmarks. NACE provides its members with high-quality resources, research, and benchmarks; networking and professional development opportunities; standards, ethics, advocacy, and guidance on critical issues.
  • SoACE - The Southern Association of Colleges and Employers (SoACE) is an organization of human resources, college relations, and career service professionals. Its mission is to promote partnerships between career services professionals and employers by providing innovative resources, professional development, and networking opportunities to facilitate students' and alumni' career development and employment. Stretching from Virginia and the Carolinas to Texas and New Mexico, SoACE will encompass many of our nation’s strongest universities and diverse populations.
  • SACUCCA - The mission of the San Antonio Area Colleges and Universities Career Centers Association (SACUCCA), a collaborative network of career services professionals representing fourteen colleges and universities in the greater San Antonio area, is to enhance career center services and employment opportunities for students and alumni, to provide professional development opportunities in career counseling and placement, and to promote cooperation among career services offices and employers.
  • SAVA – Sponsored by the United Way of San Antonio, the San Antonio Volunteer Administrators provides professional opportunities for volunteer administrators to learn more about volunteer management. Through the SAVA network, members are eligible to participate in bi-monthly meetings, bi-monthly lunch and learn meetings, an annual training workshop, and make valuable connections with other volunteer management professionals. Diverse committees provide SAVA members with the opportunity to participate in organizational development as well as support SAVA services and resources.
  • SLIC – Texas A&M-SA is part of SLIC, the San Antonio Service Learning Intercollegiate Collaborative, a consortium of colleges and universities across the broad San Antonio region that meets monthly to discuss best practices and challenges in community service, civic engagement, and service-learning, and to collaborate on various programs. SLIC also manages a list-serv to which you can send your volunteer opportunities and reach the respective service programming people at each university. Contact: