Texas A&M University-San Antonio Campus

Classroom Hall Building

Classroom Hall was built with technology and inclusivity at the forefront of our minds. Classrooms are set up with advanced distance learning technologies. Students have access to outlets for charging personal technology to enhance their educational experience at their classroom tables and while they wait between classes at the nook seating on all three floors.

Lobby (1st Floor)

The lobby is the main hub of Classroom Hall. It is the main point of entry and provides a variety of seating choices for students to study and interact with each other between classes. Outlets for charging personal technology are found throughout. The lobby is filled with natural light and has a wonderful view of the adjacent covered patio and rural University acreage. The lobby features two permanent installations designed by PBK, the building’s architectural team. The north installation represents the river in the evening as you are strolling along the Riverwalk, soaking in the sounds and the colors that float across the surface. The south installation embodies a more serene river that, during the day, is continuously flowing – bringing new life and new connections to our city, our campus, and our community.

Study Suite (1st Floor)

Located on the first floor, the study suite provides a combination of quiet and collaborative spaces for individual and small group study. Writable surfaces and outlets for charging personal technology are found throughout.

Classrooms (All Floors)

  • 14 x Small Lecture Classroom (2nd and 3rd Floor)
  • 3 x Medium Lecture Classroom (All Floors)
  • 1 x Large Lecture Hall (1st Floor)

Laboratories (All Floors)

  • 2d Drawing Studio
  • 3d Sculpture Studio
  • Woodworking Shop

Incubator Classroom (1st Floor)

The incubator classroom will serve not only as an innovative active learning teaching space, which better prepares students for the real world through providing teaching space for collaboration, engagement, and innovative uses of technology to enhance student learning, but also serve as a research space where faculty along with the support of staff, can work on instructional innovations, demonstrate and measure their effectiveness. Flexibility is paramount to the success of the space, so various seating configurations were envisioned where instruction could take place at team tables, in informal seating arrangements, at various locations at the perimeter and wherever technology and pedagogies might suggest in the future. A one-way observation window provides direct observation of the classroom’s activities, providing more educational opportunities.

Language Lab Suite (3rd Floor)

  • Testing Lab-Individual study laboratory and testing facility for language instruction
  • Graduate Seminar-Small group instruction space for graduate sections
  • Language Conversation Lab-Room for small group informal instruction in a casual environment