Autism Programs

Autism Lifeline Links: ALL

ALL is a network of clinicians, social services, and other entities providing services to individuals with autism. ALL aims to increase service capacity and eliminate wait times and barriers throughout life for individuals on the autism spectrum. ALL works collaboratively and transparently to create a comprehensive person-centered system of awareness, early diagnosis, treatment, and services to improve the opportunities and outcomes for individuals with autism and their families. These services are provided, in part, through a web-based HIPAA-secured platform operated by Signify Health, which meets rigorous standards for data protection.

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 Autism Mobile Assessment Bus and Learning Environment: AMABLE

The AMABLE Program will serve families with children and individuals with autism and related disabilities throughout South San Antonio and Bexar County. It will serve as an organizational point for collaboration, inspiration, innovation, research, assessment, and transformation. It will promote health equity and reduce disparities across the community and serve as a strategic community and school partner. AMABLE will offer services for the community, work with school districts to provide educational autism school-based programs, support training, assessment, and intervention to families and individuals with autism and related disorders. In addition, AMABLE will advocate and raise awareness of autism-related issues and give individuals with autism the best opportunities for success.

Educational and Related Services

The A&M-SA Institute for Autism and Related Disorder will provide state-of-the-art early childhood, elementary, middle, and secondary autism and developmental disability educational support services to partner school districts surrounding Texas A&M University San Antonio and for additional school districts throughout Texas. The A&M-SA Institute for Autism and Related Disorders will assist school districts with developing effective curriculum strategies that increase functional and pro-social behaviors. In addition, the A&M-SA Institute for Autism and Related Disorders team will work with partner school districts to facilitate career and technical education strategies that include community-based experiential learning to support transition to adulthood for students with ASD.

Annual Autism Research Conference

One of the initiatives of the institute will be to conduct a statewide annual conference focused on research related to effective educational outcomes for individuals with autism. While a number of autism conferences exist, there aren’t many focused on education. The conference will be hosted by Texas A&M University – San Antonio. This conference will draw experts from around the country and will provide exposure for the A&M-SA Institute for Autism and Related Disorders. Presenters at the conference will be invited to contribute to a conference proceedings book, which will be available for distribution to the public. The conference proceedings will contain information on best practice approaches and recent research related to education of individuals with ASD.

Autism Clinic

The A&M-SA Autism Clinic will offer autism assessment services, parent training, community support services, and other behavioral health services to individuals, couples, families, and children. Assessment services assist with screening, diagnosis, and identification of autism; qualification for services; intervention and curriculum planning; documentation of intervention efficacy; research on assessment best practices; and identification of strengths, areas of concern, and emotional wellness. The clinic will be designed to provide client services to children and families in South Bexar County in an environment which embraces their cultural values. The clinic will fill a critical need and provide access to evaluations, early identification, and professional preparation.

Journal of Autism Education

The institute will develop an open-source, online, peer-reviewed journal for autism education research. A nationwide search will be conducted to appoint an editor-in-chief of the journal as well as a board of expert manuscript reviewers. While creating a valuable resource for autism intervention specialists, JAE will also enhance the reputation of A&M-SA’s Institute for Autism and Related Disorders. Developing a quality, open source journal will provide accessible resources to practitioners, teachers, and school support staff members who may not have access through other means. This is especially important in terms of providing access to research in communities like those surrounding A&M-SA.

Autism Community Newsletter

The institute will produce a monthly electronic newsletter related to ongoing educational issues related to autism. The Autism Community Newsletter will be available for parents, caregivers, teachers, behavioral specialists, counselors, and other interested parties. A specific focus will address autism-related educational issues in the state of Texas. The newsletter will highlight research being produced by A&M-SA’s Institute for Autism and Related Disorders and other autism-related research generated throughout the world. In addition to highlighting research, the newsletter will include information about autism resources, training opportunities, and organizational events.