Mays Center for Experiential Learning and Community Engagement

Academic Internships

The InternsHIP Grant

Eligibility & Requirements

  • The Internship Grant is available to undergraduate students who have completed at least 15 credit hours at Texas A&M University-San Antonio.
  • Students must have a minimum of 2.5 GPA to be eligible.
  • Students must be enrolled in a credit-bearing internship the semester they receive the grant.
  • Students must complete at least 100 hours at their internship site throughout the semester.
  • Student clinical teaching and research experiences may be eligible. Consideration preference will be given to students completing an experience with an off-campus partner.
  • Students receiving another award/scholarship for an internship experience are not eligible.
  • This is a one-time award. Previous Internship Grant recipients are not eligible for a second award.

The InternsHIP Grant application instructions can be found here. Students can also follow an online video tutorial on how to complete the application via Handshake. Students are asked to read the instruction guide and watch the video prior to requesting additional information or contacting the Mays Center. However, if you do have questions after that time, please contact or stop by the Mays Center, 210-784-1356,, Sci Tech 111

Please complete the Request for Presentation Form to have a staff member from the Mays Center for Experiential Learning & Community Engagement present in your class regarding the InternsHIP Grant or the value of internships.



Micro-Internships with Parker Dewey

Paid, Flexible, Real-World Experience for students with Micro-Internships!

A&M-SA is excited to highlight an opportunity for you to take part in flexible, professional, paid work experiences through Micro-Internships.

Resources and Reports

Internship Coalition Overview

The Internship Coalition provides a space for stakeholders to discuss ANY topics related to student internships (academic and non-academic). Sky is the limit on topics, but some areas of discussion entail:

  • Spring Student Internship Showcase

  • Internship Site Sourcing & Student Application Processes

  • Leveraging Career Services

  • Learning Agreements/ MOUs

  • Best Practices from Collegues

  • Legal Issues and Updates

  • CAS Internship Course Standards

As we move into our Strategic Plan and grow as an institution, there are is a greater need for internship structure, data, and best practices across departments. This Coalition is a step in the direction for greater information and transparency, we hope you will join us.

Please connect with Mysti Frazier,, if you are interested in attending our meetings held twice a semester. Let’s work together toward our common goals for student academic and career success at A&M-SA!

Mays Center Resources

We highly encourage students to connect with a Mays Center Career Advisor. They can assist students in career development, planning, internship searching and using Handshake, resume updates, interview prep, and more! Advisors have 30-60 minute appointments, in person or virtual. Students can schedule via Handshake or you can call/come by the Mays Center 210-410-3760, Science and Technology Building, Suite 111.

For additional faculty supports and resources for internships, please contact the Mays Center at, call 210-784-1356, or stop by Sci Tech 111.


Course Internship Reports

Internship MOUs

For more information, questions, or details visit University Contracts