If you need to update your records then our resources are here to help! Update your name, address, contact information, and more through our list of services.
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Update Personal Information
Need to change your name or the address on file? No problem! Use the link below to begin updating your personal information.
Transcript Request
To request your official Transcripts, click the link below to discover how to submit a request, the documents needed to approve the request, and to pay the transcript fee.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records by prohibiting the improper disclosure of personally identifiable information derived from education records. To learn more about your student rights, access your records, file a FERPA complaint or more, click the link below.
Verification of Enrollment
Whether you need a verification of enrollment for insurance purposes, military I.D. cards, student loans, etc., or as proof to an employer, healthcare provider, and more, you can access that information using the link below through the National Student Clearinghouse.
Establishing Residency
Under Texas state law, each person who applies for admission to a Texas public college or university is classified as a resident of Texas, a nonresident, or a foreign (international) student. To establish a residency, please visit the link below to determine the residency rules and general guidelines for establishing your residency.
Pronouns and Gender Updates
Students and employees are able to indicate a gender identity and personal pronoun using the link below.